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The GolfersCard System

Our system has been designed with the casual Golfer and/or Social Club in mind and assists them in maintaining Handicaps and for Clubs to manage their Members and Games.

Calculations of Handicaps have become quite complicated which results in people playing off incorrect handicaps. The GolfersCard System resolves this issue.

We invite you to visit our web site at www.golferscard.co.za where you can read about what is on offer in detail.
But in brief:-

For the Casual Golfer your handicap is calculated as per internationally accepted rules and formulae. Keeps a complete history of games played, compare yourself against other players in the same club and the Country through our various Monthly LeaderBoards. Manage your own prolfile. View your friends handicaps and performance.

For the Social Club, GolfersCard provides the tools to completely administer your Members, add Members, manages club fees, email members advising of forthcoming events. Basically, takes the hassles out of it all.

If you want to speak to us, give Ben a call at +27828915171 who will only be too happy to assist.